
007 blood stone pc xbox controller
007 blood stone pc xbox controller

007 blood stone pc xbox controller

Intel #5: You will be able to find this M16 Translation “Foreman’s Log” directly after you step into the underground rail passage, you’ll find it directly behind you.

007 blood stone pc xbox controller

Intel #4: You will be able to find this M16 Decryption “E-Mail Correspondance” intel directly after the first ruins catwalk jump.

007 blood stone pc xbox controller

Intel #3: You will be able to find this M16 Decryption “E-Mail Correspondance” intel at the short wall of the round well. Intel #2: You will be able to find this M16 Identification “Body of Deceased Male” intel at the end of the first underground tunnel in a room to the right. It’s in the control room at the T-Junction. Intel #1: You will be able to find this M16 Anaylysis “Audio Surveillance Device” near a broken elevator laying on the floor. James Bond 007: Blood Stone’s Intel Locations in Istanbul Mission 1.1: Keys To Crack The Code New Page: Achievements & Trophies Guide.Once you do earn eighty kills, the achievement should unlock for you. Then restart and do it again until you nailed eighty kills. If you're fast enough, all three men should go down.

007 blood stone pc xbox controller

Once the guy that's walking has his back turned on you, immediately whip out your silencer, hold down LB and press RT. There will be three men, one being the Security Chief, the second walking up and down, and another just chilling nearby. Make your way to the room with the Security Chief. The best way to earn this one is in the casino at Monaco. So either play through the story or get three Focus Aims and kill three guys, then restart the checkpoint. The game does have a counter that shows up when you perform them, so you'll always know how many more you need. But I didn't have to do any of that I just earned them along the way. Since I played the game on 007 difficulty, I died multiple times, therefore retries and checkpoints are acceptable if you find three guys and take them out. I earned this achievement as I was progressing through the story. You can have up to three Focus Kills at one time. To perform a Focus Kill, you'll need to perform any kind of take down on any guard.

007 blood stone pc xbox controller